With its vision of providing “High Quality financial Services at World Standards”, the mission of Union Credit Bank is to serve all corporate and individual customers by taking a “solution partner” approach.
The bank’s strategic priority now is to strengthen its branch network so as to achieve growth in corporate and commercial banking and also in small-business banking and capital market operations. While pursuing this growth, the national and international rules of the banking profession and the requirements of law will remain our platform. We provide secure platform in a secure environment for business.
Customers will continue to be the focal point of all our activities, just as they have always been. Serving its customers, Union Credit Bank will remain ever faithful to its enduring values while being open to changes. Technology investments are currently being undertaken to reduce costs and to increase the quality of service being offered through a multi-channel, customer-focused organizational structure that takes advantage of alternative delivery channels.
Our fundamental goal is to create a bank that earns the respect of its customers, is admired and actively supported by its employees, and is held in esteem by society both for the services it provides and for its sense of social responsibility. Our accelerated efforts keep going on to reach this goal.
| Union Credit Bank © 2017 | All rights reserved. |